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Rating items

Cause it’s fun.

With hundreds of thousands of model train items out there, getting feedback from fellow collectors about items is helpful. The opinions and experiences from other collectors about items can help you improve your collection. The easiest way to share your opinions is to just give items a rating on the 5-star scale. Great items get 5 stars. Lemons get a 1-star rating.

Write a quick review

As a community resource, the Catalog is the perfect place to post reviews of different items. For example, if this engine is great for simple layouts, but really struggles with heavy loads or inclines, write up a simple review with that detail.

Do a video review!

Often the absolute best reviews are the simplest too. You can flip on your video camera, record a review of this item! Just talk about your experience with it. Show it in action on your track. Upload your video to YouTube and copy the link from YouTube into the DASH Catalog.

Sharing Items and your Collection

Share your collection with others.

All DASH users get your own web site just for you as a collector. It's a great way to connect with other collectors.

On your Collection Showcase page, you can share all the items you own, want, are willing to trade, and have for sale. You can tell your "story" about how you got into model trains. Post photos of your prized items and your layout. Post videos of your layout in action.

It's just a great way to share your love of model trains! (Of course, you have the option to mark any items as "private" too.)

Items for sale in the Marketplace.

If you are a seller, sharing links to your listings just makes sense. If you see a listing you’d like to have, it’s easy to share that listing with your buddies (clever to do more “sharing” around your birthday!) You can even send a link to a buddy who you think is looking to buy a particular item.

New school. Old school.

Choose from one of hundreds of social networks to post figures to...literally hundreds. Email works too, of course.

By just bringing up a browser on anyone’s computer, you can share all of DASH. And, if you have an iPhone or Android phone, you can just show off with DASH’s app ever for model train collectors.